Brian Hodgson joined the BBC Radiophonic Workshop in 1962 where he became the original sound effects creator for Doctor Who. He devised the sound of the TARDIS (which he created by running the back door key to his mother's house along a bass string of a gutted piano, then electronically treating the recording) and the voices of the Daleks, which he created by distorting the actors' voices and feeding them through a ring modulator.He also effectively scored four series (The Wheel in Space, The Dominators, The Mind Robber, and The Krotons) under the credit of "Special Sound".
He collaborated closely with fellow BBC Radiophonic Workshop member Delia Derbyshire including on further studio and recording projects, Unit Delta Plus, Electrophon, the Kaleidophon Studio, Electrophon, and also on the score to the 1973 horror film The Legend of Hell House.
Brian made many contributions to the Standard Music Library under the pseudonym Nikki St George, notably on the album ESL104 Electronic with Delia Derbyshire (under the name Li de la Russe) and their Kaleidophon partner David Vorhaus. Tracks often featured in late 70s science fiction including The Tomorrow People and Timeslip.